My Modem has been down for almost 9 days now. We didn't figure out it was the modem until Saturday. So much has happened in the last two weeks! As you know Elise has been gone. We have talked to her and she is having so much fun! She went to Sea World with her Gpa and sent us some pictures form his new i phone.
On August 5th our little Marcus Jay was Blessed. He is still such a good baby. His first smile was the day after he was blessed on the 6th. The only rough part about Marcus is that Vanessa loves him so much... too much. She is always kissing him and has to be touching him if he is in the same room. Its actually very cute.. unless you are trying to take pictures ... (check these ones out). Its fun to see her nurture and mother Marcus... well pretty much Marcus and Luke.
The Highland Fling was on August 4th. My dads birthday! My dad was in charge of the candy toss. We had a lot of fun there. Elise got her face painted and it was so neat. I had never seen it done so professional and fun to look at. Later on that evening we went to a concert at Heritage park with my cousin, Stephanie and her family, and my parents. Ryan Shupe and the Rubber Band played. The kids had so much fun playing with balloons and glow stix, rolling down hills, dancing, getting lost, and watching the fireworks. Lucas Loved the fireworks. He was absolutely mesmerized. Ever since the Fling Luke will point to the sky and say " fiwoks" and then instinctively Vanessa will say "Pop" "Sky" ... I (s)cared! I guess that tells you what she thought of them. Needless to say Elise, Vanessa and Marcus were asleep by the end of the show. What a night!
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